Postęp w rozpoznawaniu budowy geologicznej Polski w wyniku prac Instytutu Geologicznego w latach 1969–1979


  • Jan Malinowski xxx


 Scharakteryzowano działalność Instytutu Geologicznego w latach 1969–1979 pod kątem wielokierunkowych badań obejmujących wszystkie regiony geologiczne. Podkreślono, że postęp w poznaniu budowy geologicznej kraju, uzyskany w wyniku realizacji tych badań, ma podstawowe znaczenie dla dalszego ukierunkowania badań regionalnych i poszukiwawczych.  THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE TO THE PROGRESS IN RECOGNITION OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF POLAND IN THE YEARS 1969–1979 In the years 1969–1979, the activity of the Geological Institute was characterized by intense multidirectional studies in all parts of the country. The largest research potential was concentrated in the platform areas and the Carpathians, studied within the frame of the research project aimed a delineation of the most perspective areas for search for hydrocarbons. Drillings and gravimetric, magnetic and electric surveys were widely used for these purposes. A marked progress in recognition of geological structure of the country made it possible to precise several geological-prospecting problems and to identify unequivocally geological formations and areas of their occurrence from the point of view of further search for mineral raw materials. Geological-mapping works in the scales 1:50000 and 1:25 000 were concentrated in areas of the planned economical development. The works on The Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1:200 000 have been completed in the Polish Lowlands. Intense studies of the Baltic Sea aquen were initiated. In the field of hydrogeology, an unique elaboration summarizing resources of ordinary groundwater in Poland has been completed Geological-engineering studies were concentrated in valleys of the Vistula River and some of its tributaries. The recording of landslides throughout the country was also very important. The main results of the above mentioned studies have been published in the form of papers and monographs or maps. 





