Geologiczna interpretacja zdjęć satelitarnych i radarowych wschodniej części Karpat


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Przedstawiono najważniejsze wyniki interpretacji zdjęć satelitarnych Landsat oraz radarowych typu TOROS. Na zdjęciach satelitarnych widoczne są kierunki NNE–SSW i ENE–WSW oraz dominujący NE–SW, którego reprezentantem jest strefa fotolineamentów Jaśliska–Hrubieszów, prawdopodobnie nie związana z istnieniem głębokiej strefy tektonicznej. Z interpretacji zdjęć radarowych wynika, że dominującymi kierunkami uskoków są NNE–SSW i ENE–WSW, podczas gdy na mapach geologicznych dominują kierunki prostopadłe do przebiegu fałdów. Zwraca uwagę uzupełnienie się obu rodzajów interpretacji oraz celowość kompleksowego wykorzystania zdjęć satelitarnych i radarowych. GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF SATELLITE AND RADAR IMAGERY OF THE EASTERN PART OF THE CARPATIHANS Photogeological analysis of satellite and radar imagery for the eastern part of the Carpathians gave some valuable data concerning both geological structure and methods of interpretation. The analysis was carried out on differentiated material, characterized by different ranges of electromagnetic spectrum and dissolution power of data retrieval systems. Here were used analog methods, including additive viewer, as well as satellite photos after numerical treatment. Attention is paid to the fact that radar photos of the TOROS system appeared highly useful in mountain areas thanks to low angle of falling of radar rays and their clearness. The majority of elements visible in satellite and radar photos may be related to the effects of disjunctive tectonics. In satellite photos, structural elements are visible as photo lineaments, on the basis of which major discontinuity zones may be traced. However, the studies on photolineaments in satellite photos can not solve the question of nature of a discontinuity. The photos display directions NNE–SSW, ENE–WSW, and predominating NE–SW, which is represented by the Jaśliska–Hrubieszów photolineament zone, presumably related to the presence of a deep tectonic zone. The interpretation of radar photos showed predominance of NNE–SSW and ENE–WSW oriented faults whereas directions normal to fold axes predominate in geological maps. Similarly as in the case of discontinuities, other linear phenomena are clearly accentuated in radar photos. This made possible an attempt to carry out an alternative interpretation of geological phenomena at the example or the Tyrawa Solna and Wańkowa Wieś folds. The radar and satellite photolineaments are found to be markedly consistent. The two types of interpretation greatly complement one another so the complex use of remote senving materials appears very purposeful.





