Wybrane zagadnienia metodyki prac polowych w badaniach geologicznych utworów paleozoicznych metodą refleksyjną


  • Tadeusz Krynicki xxx


Omówiono zagadnienia wyboru parametrów metodyki prac polowych w badaniach utworów paleozoicznych. Przytoczono wyniki prac doświadczalnych, które potwierdzają słuszność założeń teoretycznych i wskazują na możliwość zwiększenia efektywności metody refleksyjnej w obszarze basenu permskiego. SOME METODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF REFLECTION FIELD SURVEYS ON GEOLOGICAL  STRUCTURE OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS The paper shows the necessity to increase depth range of surveys carried out by the reflection method. This may be achieved using interferential systems with sharp direction characteristics. The properties of borehole groups with such characteristics are discussed and advantageous features of groups of boreholes with long bases are shown. The surveys covering an area transitional to the Pomeranian anticlinorium, i.e. that considered as very difficult from the point of view of reflection surveys, gave further support to the above theoretical analysis.The use of induction at long bases, comparable with the length of waves in question, improved quality of record of waves considered as reflected from Zechstein rocks. Moreover, seismograms began to show some deeper reflections. The obtained results show that similar works should be continued as they may markedly contribute to the knowledge of geological structure of the Paleozoic.





