Stanowisko eemskich osadów jeziornych w Karczunku na Wysoczyźnie Lubartowskiej


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 W rozległym zagłębieniu – pod 1,5-metrową warstwą osadów holocenu i l,7-metrową warstwą osadów deluwialnych zlodowacenia północnopolskiego – nawiercono gytię jeziorną torf o miąższości 4,3 m.Sytuacja geologiczna oraz wydzielone w wyniku badań palinologicznych zespoły florystyczne pozwoliły określić jej wiek na interglacjał eemski. THE LOCALITY OF EEMIAN LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS AT KARCZUNEK, LUBARTÓW UPLAND At Karczunek (NE of Lubartow), organogenic lacustrine and post-lacustrine deposits were found to occur in large (2 to 1.5 km in size) depression without outlet in Quaternary upland. The depression is situated about 500 m E of watershed of the Wieprz and Tyśmienica rivers (Fig. 1). In that part of the upland, depressions without or with intermittent outflow are quite common.They are markedly varying in size, from below 100 m to a few kilo meters.The area surrounding the Karczunek depression is mainly built of fluvioglacial sands up to some dozens meters thick, related to transgression and recession of the maximum stage of the Mid-PolishGlaciation. The studied section begins with 1.5 m layer of organogenic Holocene deposits and 1.7 m of deluvial deposits of the North-Polish Glaciation, resting on lacustrine ones (calcareous gyttja and peats), 2.2 m thick.Palynological studies on 1 samples of lacustrine and post-lacustrine deposits showed the presence of floristic assemblages the character and succession of which are typical of glacial.The development of vegetation at Karczunek in the Eemian Interglacial appears markedly similar to that recorded in other parts of the country, except for some differences explainable by the action of local factors. The pollen diagramme is characterized by very distinct phase of development of leafy forest assemblages with predominating hazel (Corylus) and negligible share of conifers.The study, although preliminary, is the first palynological treatment of deposits of that age in Poland. The nearest localities of coeval organogenic deposits – Biatka, Orzechów Nowy, Kodeniec and Hołodyska still wait for palynological analysis. 





