Wstępna geneza przydatności węgli kamiennych GZW w kokso- i karbochemii w świetle badań petrograficznych


  • Krystyna Kruszewska xxx


Omówiono cechy petrograficzne górnośląskich węgli typów 31–42. Wskazano warstwy lito stratygraficzne oraz rejony GZW, w których należy poszukiwać węgli cennych z punktu widzenia przydatności dla uwodorniania i koksowania. PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON USABILITY OF ROCK COALS OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN IN COKE- AND CARBOCHEMISTRY IN THE LIGHT OF PETROGRAPHIC DATA Petrographic features of coals from an the lithostratigraphic horizons in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin are discussed. The coals represent types 31 to 42 in the Polish classification.The analysis of Upper Silesian coals of the types 31 and 32 showed that mean content of intertinite is the lowest in the scale of the Basin (± 10%) in coals in the Upper Załęże Beds (seam group 300) in the Jankowice mine. Petrographic composition is also advantageous for coal liquefying processes and the intertinite content does not exceed 15% in coals of the remaining stratigraphic members (except for the seam group 500) in the Chwalowice basin, exploited in the Jankowice and Chwalowice mines. In the remaining parts of the Coal Basin, the following coals are characterized by advantageous petrographic composition (below 15%) of inertinite):– the whole group 200 – Łaziska Beds (Piast and Budryk mines and the Międzyrzecze–Bieruń drilling area);– group 303–326 – the Orzesz Beds (Budryk mine and Międzyrzecze-Bieruń drilling area);– group 327–364 - the Upper Załęże Beds (Siersza, Dębieńsko, Brzeszcze-Jawiszowice and Bielszowice mines and the Międzyrzecze–Bieruń drilling area);– group 401–406 – the Lower Załęże Beds and group 500 – Siodłowe Beds, characterized by high content of intertinite; coals occurring in these strata, assigned to the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series, are inappropriate as a raw material for coal liquefying;– group 600 – the Poręba Beds (Anna, Rymer and Pstrowski mines).Coals of the types 34 (gaseous-coke), 35.1 and 35.2 (orthocoke) occur in western part of the Basin. In accordance with the present state of knowledge, 30% content of inertinite was accepted as critical for applicability of these coals in the coke industry and the content below 20% – as an index of most advantageous petrographic composition.Coals of the type 34 with especially advantageous inertinite content are practically present in all the mines exploiting the Załęże Beds, except for those situated in the Warszowice–Pawłowice area and the Szczygłowice mine (where inertinite content equals 27 and 25%, respectively) and coal seams in the paralic series (Anna, 1 Maja and Pstrowski mines). In turn, coal seams of the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series are rich in intertinite, the mean content of which usually exceed 30% in the Siodłowe Beds seams (except for those in the Pstrowski mine), ranging from 20 to 30% in theRuda Beds, and dropping to below 20% in the Szczygłowice mine only.Orthocoke coals of the types 35.1 and 35.2, with intertinite content below 20%, occur in the Upper Załęże Beds in the Borynia, Manifest Lipcowy and Kaczyce mines and the Warszowice–Pawłowice area. Such coals known from the Lower Załęże Beds yield 20% of inertinite at the average, except for those occurring in the Warszowice–Pawłowice area and Jastrzębie mine, in which the content ranges from 20 to 30%. Mean intertinite content in the Ruda Beds seams is higher than in the Załęże Beds, equalling 20–30% in the Jastrzębie, Manifest Lipcowy and Kaczyce mines and the Bzie– Dębina area and even over 30% in the Moszczenica mine. The seams of the Siodłowe Beds yield over 30% of inertinite on the average in the Jastrzębie, Moszczenica and Kaczyce mines and even up to 50% in the Bzie–Dębina area.Petrographic studies on coals in the scale of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin show that petrographic composition is most advantageous from the point of view of widely understood coal processing in the case of coals poor in intertinite in the Orzesz and Załęże Beds (Siltstone Series) whereas inertinite- rich coal seams of the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series, especially those of the Siodłowe Beds, may appear troublesome for processing in coke industry as well as in eventual production of liquid fuels. 





