Następstwo deformacji serii metamorfiku Śnieżnika w okolicy Kątów Bystrzyckich


  • Zbigniew Cymerman xxx


 Omówiono kolejne fazy deformacji tektonicznych (D1­–D4) i związane z nimi mezoskopowe struktury.Naszkicowano najważniejszy rys budowy tektonicznej – superpozycję starszych leżących, generalnie wydłużonych południkowo, makrofałdów i otwartych, często wąskopromiennych, makrofałdów F3 związanych z trzecim etapem deformacji. ON THE SUCCESSION OF DEFORMATIONS IN THE SNIEZNIK METAMORPHIC SERIES IN THE VICINITIES OF KĄTY BYSTRZYCKIE The studied area, situated in central part of the Snieżnik metamorphic massif (Western Sudety Mts), is built of two petrogenetic series: Stronie and Granitogneisses Series. The former, highly differentiated, mainly comprises micaceous paragneisses and schists with intercalations of quartzites and amphibolites and the latter – two varieties of gneisses: Gierałtów Gneisses, usually laminated and often migmatic, and Snieżnik Gneisses, usually large-eye or layered (Figs. 1–4).Four major generations of mesostructures to (D1 to D4), differentiated here, show that deformations of the above mentioned rock series were developing by stages. The oldest generation of megastructure comprises relic, isoclinal folds F1, synchroneously developing penetrative foliation S1 and intersecting lineations L1, originating at crossings of surfaces So and S1. Variability in orientation of these mesostructures is primarily related to subsequent reorientation in younger deformation phases.In kink zones of folds F2, axial planes are accentuated by subsequent foliation, S2 (Fig. 5).Folds F2, more differentiated in morphology and scale than the older, are accompanied by rich and diversified set of lineations L2 (rodding, gufrae, intersective lineation, etc.). Structures of the phase are markedly varying in orientation but WNW–ESE strikes generally predominate in western part of the studied area, and E and NNE–SSW strikes – in the eastern.The present spatial position of structures of the phase D2 is the effect of transformations in the deformation phase D3. Folds F3, usually open, are accompanied by lineation L3, i.e. major crystallizational lineation. Axial planes of folds F3 are often accentuated crenulation cleavage.Deformation phase D4 resulted in origin of faulty deformations and folds of the kink bands type, characterized by fairly stable spatial orientation (Fig. 8).The macrotectonics of the studied area is determined by superposition of older, laying meridional structures (deformation phases D1 and D2) and younger, open macrofolds F3 with varying orientation of axes.





