Paleozoik Suwalszczyzny


  • Borys Areń Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Wend na Suwalszczyźnie i na przyległych obszarach ZSRR nie występuje. Kambr, udokumentowany trylobitami, reprezentują osady piaszczyste, występujące bezpośrednio na krystaliniku, i są analogiczne jak we wschodniej części syneklizy perybałtyckiej. Kambr środkowy budują piaskowce drobnoziarniste. Ordowik i sylur obejmują nieznaczny obszar północnej Suwalszczyzny. Najszerszy zasięg ma czerwony spągowiec, który przypomina wendyjskie piaskowce z obniżenia podlaskiego. Trias leży przekraczająco na cechsztynie i czerwonym spągowcu lub wprost na krystaliniku.PALEOZOIC IN THE SUWALKI REGION Sandy sediments occurring directly on the crystalline basement in the northern Suwalki region are analogous as in eastern part of the Baltic syneclise. Trilobites and ostracods determine the age as Cambrian. There is no Vendian sediments in the Suwałki region and adjacent regions in the Soviet Union near the Polish border (Fig. 1). In geological literature of the seventies occur disvergences concerning the basement in the Suwałki IG 1 borehole area (Szlinokiemie IG 1). These disvergences are explained in the paper. The utmost to the north, the Upper Vendian sediments in Podlasie belong to the Kruszyniany formation and are alike to the Gdów arcosic sandstone series occurring in south-eastern Lithuania. There are no such Vendian sediments in the Suwałki region. In the north the Lower Cambrian formations reach as far as the Suwałki IG 1, Udryiń and Krzemianka boreholes, besides the utmost to the south the Krzemianka 33 and 37 boreholes (Fig. 2). The Middle Cambrian fonnations are represented by fine-grained sandstones in the north Suwalki region, they also occur in Lithuania with up to 70 m of thickness (Fig. 3). By means of lithostratigraphical correlation the presence also has been ascertained of the Middle Cambrian formations in these boreholes, where there were no complete cores and no well preserved animal remains. Ordovician and Silurian occur in a slight area in the north Suwałki region. The Rotliegendes sandy and conglomeratic formations have the widest range in the Suwałki region. They transgressively superpose various links of the Lower Palaeozoic and crystalline basement. The Rotliegendes formation are partly alike to the Vendian sandstones of the Podlasie depression. In the Suwałki region the Rotliegendes formations directly superpose the crystalline basement in the Krzemianka 33 and 37, Jeleniewo 1, Zubryń and Krasnopol 2 boreholes. Triassic transgressively superposes the Zechstein and Rotliegendes formations and in the Krasnopol 3, 4, 5 boreholes directly superposes the crystalline basement.





