Historia ruchów paleozoicznych w południowo-zachodniej Polsce


  • Józef Oberc lnstytut Nauk Geologicznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, ul. Cybulskiego 30, Wrocław


Tektogen kadomski uległ w paleozoiku rozpadowi blokowemu. Zakładane w obniżeniach zbiorniki geosynklinalne najczęściej z wulkanizmem podmorskim zostały sfałdowane w różnych fazach: kale-dońskiej, starowaryscyjskiej, nassauskiej i po turneju. Po najważniejszej, poprzedzonej fliszem, fazie sudeckiej nastąpił główny rozwój molas w basenach intrakratonicznych. Rozwojowi wczesnej platformy w fazie asturyjskiej towarzyszyło intensywne fałdowanie w Sudetach Wschodnich, dalszy rozwój budowy blokowej, intruzje granitoidów, głownie w fundamencie prekambryjskim, i wulkanizm Iądowy w basenach intrakratonicznych. Powtórzył się on pod koniec sedymentacji dolnego czerwonego spągowca. Dolny perm zakończył etap wczesnej platformy, a faza palatynacka zaznaczyła się przejściem facji morskich w facje Iądowe dolnego triasu.PALAEOZOIC MOVEMENTS IN SOUTH-WESTERN POLAND Prior the Palaeozoic sedimentation the Cadomian tectogen were eroded within remarkable areas to the amphibolite facies level. In Palaeozoic it dezintegrated gradually to the lithospheric blocks which moved independently in geologic time. Geosynclinal sedimentation developed on the lowered eroded blocks in various periods. Its finish caused mainly by folding movements occurred in various units in various periods. Information on geological phenomena in particular units is given in Fig. 2, where these units are made up in geographical order. Remarkable individualism of particular blocks (geological) issues from the data. Both vertical and horizontal movements were often non synchronous even in the adjacent blocks. The most important conclusions are following: 1. The Caledonian movements occurring in even several distant blocks were not proceeded by flysch. There is no molasse resulted in their activities. Nor the Caledonian tectogen was developed. In some units deep water marine sedimentation with no diastrophic deposits outlasted the Silurian/Devonian border. 2. The Sudetic phase was not of importance. In the Bardzkie and Kaczawskie Mts it was proceeded by folding in between Tournai and Visean. In the Middle and Eastern Sudety Mts however the Sudetic phase appeared as a transition from the marine to continental facies. The old Variscan and Asturian phase were most important in the Eastern Sudety Mts. 3. The geosynclinal magnetism occurred in various points of geological time. It is simultaneous only in the Karkonosze and Krakow units. Granitoides and continental magnetism (subsequent) are linked with the molasse development period and the Asturian phase. The next stage of such magnetism occurs in sedimentation decline of the Lower Rotliegendes.





