Nowe stanowisko interglacjału mazowieckiego w Krępie koło Kocka


  • Paweł Jesionkiewicz xx


 Opisano osady interglacjału mazowieckiego odsłaniające się w północnej skarpie doliny Wieprza. Stwierdzono występowanie ślimaków, małżów, ryb i małżoraczków z formą przewodnią Sottia browniana (Jones) notowaną po raz pierwszy w Polsce.  A NEW LOCALITY OF MASOVIAN INTERGLACIAL DEPOSITS AT KRĘPA NEAR KOCK A new locality of Masovian Interglacial deposits was found in escarpment of the Wieprz River valley at Krępa village in northern foreland of the Lublin Upland. Interglacial deposits are here developed as calcareous gyttja, lacustrine chalk, clays and sands. They are overlain by deluvial or glacial deposits and underlain by till and, beneath it, ice-dammed lake sands and silts (Fig. 3). The deposits yield remains of gastropods, pelecypods, fishes and ostracodes. The fauna is most frequent in lacustrine chalk deposited in nearshore zone. Attention should be paid to the occurrence of guide ostracode species Scottia browniana (Jones), here recorded for the first time in Poland (Fig. 4). This species is known from the Early Pleistocene to Holstein Interglacial, inclusively. Palynological studies showed that the described organogenic deposits should be assigned to the Masovian Interglacial. 





