O możliwości wykorzystania piaskowców węglowieckich do produkcji pisaków budowlanych i drogowych


  • Stanisław Jucha xx
  • Czesław Peszat xx
  • Jacek Rutkowski xx


 Wykazano, że niektóre piaskowce fliszowe Karpat, tradycyjnie dotychczas traktowane jako kamienie drogowe i budowlane, stwarzają możliwość uzyskiwania piasków, które w tym regionie Polski należą do surowców deficytowych. Szczególnie przydatne dla tych celów są piaskowce o ubogim spoiwie pierwotnym, powstałe w wyniku piaskowych spływów podmorskich (fluxoturbiditow). Z rozsypliwych piaskowców warstw węglowieckich (apt–alb) jednostki podśląskiej, występujących na północ od Krosna, uzyskano piaski, które mogą być wykorzystane do zapraw murarskich i wypraw tynkarskich, a także dla celów drogowych. Kilkudziesięciometrowej miąższości seria złożowa pozwoliła na rozpoznanie zasobów piasków w trzech złożach. Po podjęciu eksploatacji mogą one znacznie złagodzić deficyt drobnego kruszywa w województwie krośnieńskim. ON POSSIBILITIES TO USE THE WĘGLÓWKA SANDSTONES (POLISH FLYSCH CARPATHIANS) IN PRODUCTION OF BUILDING AND ROAD BUILDING SANDS In mountain areas built of flysch deposits, it is very difficult to find sands usable in building and road construction. This is the case of Polish part of the Flysch Carpathians. That range is built of psammitic deposits, most often medium- and fine-grained, with character of sublithic or lithic arenites, lithic graywackes and, sometimes, subarcoses and arcose wackes. These rocks are accompanied by mudstones and clay rocks, the share of which is varying. Quaternary deposits infilling upper sections of stream valleys belong to various-grained gravels, usually with small admixture of sand fraction (below 2.5 mm).It should be noted that this fraction comprises both quartz grains and debris of sandstones. Because of such character of local rocks, sands needed for building industry have to be brought from the foreland of the Carpathians, i.e. from localities often some dozens to even over 150 km distant.In the paper, attention is drawn to possibilities to obtain sands by crushing sandstones of fluxoturbidite origin. Such sandstones are usually very thick-bedded and, at the same time, poor in matrix and so easily weathering. In Polish Flysch Carpathians, the rocks include those of the Istebna Sandstones(Campanian–Paleocene) which were studied by R. Unrug (1963), Ciężkowice Sandstones of the Silesian Unit (Eocene), studied by L. Koszarski (1963). Kliwa Sandstones (Oligocene) and some sandstones occurring in Węglówka Sandstones (Aptian–Albian) in the Krosno region (Fig. I). which are the subject of this paper. The sandstones form layers some dozens meters thick (Figs. 2, 3). Theyare characterized by very poor matrix. low apparent density (1.99–2.18 kg/m3 X 10-10) and very low degree of lithification so they disintegrate into loose sand during exploitation. Sands obtained in this way are fine-grained and poorly sorted (Tables I, 2, fig. 4) and they may be used alter crushing and separation of grains exceeding the required size. According to the obligatory regulations. the sands may be used for mortar as well as some purposes in road construction. However. the share of silt-size grains is too high for their use in production of concrete.





