Zarys strategii ochrony litosfery


  • Stefan Kozłowski Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Przedstawiono koncepcję strategii ochrony litosfery, jaka mogłaby być realizowana w Polsce w latach 1991-1995. Problem ten ma szczególne znaczenie wobec silnie rozwiniętego górnictwa i wyjątkowo dużego, w skali światowej, zanieczyszczenia środowiska przyrodniczego. Realizacja przedstawionych założeń wymaga nowelizacji prawa geologicznego.AN OUTLINE OF STRATEGY OF LITHOSPHERE PROTECTION An idea of a new research program on the strategy of the lithosphere protection in the years 1991-1995 is presented in this paper. The following problems are expected to be undertaken: 1. Land protection against radiation and chemical contamination. 2. Control of groundwater and surface waters quality and quantity. 3. Extension of disposability of mineral deposits. 4. Environmental conservation "around the sites of exploitation and processing of minerals.5. Protection of selected regions which are unique in· respect of its scientific and recreation or scientific value. The strategy of the lithosphere protection has not been a subject matter of any synthesis or program till now. Main tasks of the strategy of the lithosphere protection are the following:- maintenance of not contaminated ·earth surface· as a condition of life projection;- protection of deep layers of the lithosphere with special regard to water circulation; - extension .of disposability .of. mineral deposits;- protection of selected regions necessary for the individual growth of man.





