O petrografii i genezie gytii ze złoża węgla Bełchatów


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W węglach brunatnych z górnej serii węglowej złoża Bełchatów stwierdzono dużą ilość węglanów (do 20%), na podstawie czego określono je jako gytie humusowe. Za pomocą badań petrograficznych oznaczono zawartość głównych macerałów: atrynitu, densynitu i tekstynitu. Badania paleobotaniczne wykazały, że materiał fitogeniczny gytii pochodzi z obszaru bagnisk typu Bruch-Wald. ON PETROGRAPHY AND GENESIS OF GYTTJA IN THE BEŁCHATÓWBROWN COAL DEPOSITS Carbonate-rich brown coals occurring in the upper coal series (Upper Miocene) in the Bełchatów deposit are interpreted as of the humus gyttja type. The paper presents petrographic and micropaleontological characteristics of these coals, based on studies on their selected samples. Petrographic and quantitative micropetrographic (QMA) analyses made possible description of the major macerals and estimations of their qualitative share in gyttjas, and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of inorganic admixtures. The major macerals include atrinite, densinite and textinite, the share of which ranges from 10 to 50 weight % of all the components. The share of inorganic matter (mainly carbonates) is about 20 w. %.Micropaleontological studies showed that phytogenic material of the gyttjas comes from both Angiospermae and Coniferae, as well as Monocotyledonae and planktonic forms. The position of gyttjas in general mechanism of origin of the seam is discussed. 





