Nowe stanowisko interglacjału eemskiego w okolicach Dęblina


  • Marcin Żarski Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Opisano nowe stanowisko utworów jeziornych interglacjału eemskiego z otworu Kletnia Stara, udokumentowane badaniami pyłkowymi i geologicznymi. Utwory jeziorne, wykształcone w postaci iłów, mułków i torfów, leżą na iłach zastoiskowych stadiału warty zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego i są przykryte osadami zlodowacenia północnopolskiego (bałtyckiego).A NEW LOCALITY OF EEMIAN INTERGLACIAL DEPOSITS NEAR DĘBLlN The new station of lacustrine deposits of the Eemian Interglacial was found in the boring at Kletnia Stara, documentated with palynological and geological studies. The station is situated in the lowered part of the Żelechowska upland skirting along the Vistula Valley near Dęblin. The lacustrine deposits are developed as the 3 m thick complex of clays, muds and peats. The complex is laying on the stratified clays of the Warta stage of the Mid-Polish Glaciation which are TL dated from 123 000 ± 18 000 years B.P at the top. The Eemian deposits are covered with the Vistulian sands (thickness 2 m). The results of the palynological studies arc displayed by the pollen diagramme which shows the full succession typical of the Eemian Interglacial in turn characterizing by predominance of, boreal pine forests. oak forests (in climatic optimum), hornbeam forests. spruce-fir forests and boreal pine forests.





