Rola Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego w życiu społecznym i gospodarce narodowej


  • Wacław Ryka Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Wyznaczenie roli Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego w zaspokajaniu potrzeb społecznych i gospodarczych wymaga wyjaśnienia jego pozycji w geologii polskiej. istnienia państwowej służby geologicznej oraz zapotrzebowania na badania geologiczne w nowym modelu społeczno-gospodarczym państwa. Wskazano na potrzebę analizy podstawowych czynników zapewniających prawidłowe funkcjonowanie państwowej służby geologicznej, zwłaszcza planowanie i koordynację. Główne cele PIG na najbliższe lata oraz w planach długoletnich przedstawiono w ujęciu potrzeb ogólnospołecznych (kartografia geologiczna. badania hydrogeologiczne. struktur wgłębnych i podstawowe) oraz potrzeb gospodarki narodowej (surowce energetyczne, rudy metali oraz surowce chemiczne.ROLE OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN SOCIAL LIFE AND NATIONAL ECONOMICDetermination of a role of the State Geological Institute within a new social-economic model of the state demands firstly the explanation of needs of existence and future organisation of the state geological survey. Further on, it is necessary to establish the place which is supposed to be occupied by the State Geological Institute, and the tasks which are expected to be undertaken by it for social needs and for the national economics.Carried analysis indicates that a restitution of the state geological survey is purposeful, corresponding with organisation and program of 1938-1952. This survey should comprise the State Geological Board and the State Geological Institute. Its correct action demands efficient coordination and planning of geological studies as well as subjection of technical performance. The role of the State Geological Institute would be based on planning and management of geological investigations. Plans and results of the latter would be analyzed and approved by the State Geological Board. On the other hand geological and drilling enterprises would be coordinated and supervised by the State Chief Geologist. Planning of geological investigations must consider the most significant social needs as well as the ones of the national economics. Such works carried through by the State Geological Institute should first of all take into account the balance of resources of mineral products, plans of state economic development, ministerial and statutory tasks, and own subjects, collaboration with abroad and country research institutes as well as executive ones, and many others. The planning range is regulated by means which include buildings, instruments, staff, work organisation and money. All the mentioned ones would highly influence choice of subjects, complexity of works and their duration. Construction of a laboratory and its appointments in up-to-date instruments, particularly for isotope studies, forms an important task that demands a quick solution. Such laboratory would create a chance to develop geological information, archival records, documentation of geological data, library and museum, due to a use of relieved room.A supply with new geological workers looks unfavorable. Every year about 30 workers from the State Geological Institute are expected to retire or to move to other employment. Particularly troublesome situation may arise in Warsaw where graduates from the Geological Department, Warsaw University, and from technical secondary schools are missing. It seems therefore that geological studies at a present level and scope will be only possible due to a radical change of work organisation and increased effectiveness of the studies. It could be only possible when leaving the present structure based on sections and laboratories. and by formation of mobile teams for a realisation of a problem. BUI the money are the most important thing in geological investigations. A kind of the money source is less important whereas its stability and supply with means for realisation of social and economic purposes of far-distant final effects play the first role. The main directions of the State Geological Institute activity are defined by the status that presents subject and scope of works. These directions concentrate on two principal items: general social one and for national economics. Within the general social activity the Institute is supposed to carry throught investigations in several disciplines, firstly geologic mapping, done and coordinated in the whole country. The most important cartographic work would comprise preparation of the detailed geological map 'of Poland in a scale of I :50,000 and for the Sudetes in a scale of I :25.000. Besides these, geological mapping of the Holy Cross Mts is supposed to be undertaken in a scale of 1:25.000 and of some fragments of the Sudetes in a scale of 1:10,000. Preparation of several aliases is supposed, namely of geological-hydrogeological and geological-sozological ones, and amidst the latter the atlas of the town of War-saw. Edition of a series of simplified sozological maps for needs of counties seems also necessary. Within the field of hydrogeology the mapping for solution of various practical purposes is 10 be developed. A general country observation network of underground waters will be helpful. It will make it possible study the natural and anthropogenic factors that model changes of resources and quality of drinking water. Works will be undertaken in the seashore to evaluate and protect from pollution the drinking underground water by the sea one. Studies of deep structures. carried mainly in the Polish Lowland and the Carpathians with use of seismics and deep boreholes, will tend to further development of deep mapping for making various types of maps more detailed. These works will have a particular significance as assumed to be of general social significance, can and with economic success, discoveries of petroleum and natural gas resources. Studies of deep structures are also expected to explore a deep structure of the Sudetes, northeastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and the contact of Precambian and Paleozoic platforms. Studies of the State Geological Institute for needs of the national economics should concentrate on preparation of conception and programs of prospective and many years investigations for the most significant tasks of the state geological survey. These activities should be carried through in two fields: 1.       Possible supply with materials for industry, especially with such that may be short soon due 10 their use.2.       Exploration, examination and documentation of new mineral resources that are not and have not been exploited in the country but can be a valuable source of deposits for a development of new or for improvement of previously applied technologies. If the first item is considered, monographs of mineral resources are prepared at present. Together with the analysis of balance of mineral resources, formation analysis and other data, they make possible presentation of strategic programs and projects of geological investigations. Due to a constant increasing request for energy, the effort of studies within the field of energetic materials is to be focused on exploration of uranium in the most prospective regions of the country. In the same time several subjects on hard and brown coals arc to be carried through, mainly from a view of non-classical output and application of new technologies and processing. Within exploration and geological studies of metal ores and chemical resources the works are first of all to be concentrated in increase of copper, zinc, lead and sulphur resources. Such items are the complex ones as they are to consider not only the rise of resources but also the non-classical output and their complex use. Explorations of new mineral resources will be connected with traditional areas of geological studies in northeastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, the Sudetes and their foreland as well as with shallow basement of the Precambrian platform.





