Mapa hydrogeologiczna Polski w skali 1:200 000


  • Jan Malinowski Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa
  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Omówiono zasady sporządzania Mapy hydrogelgicznej Polski w skali 1:200000, jej treść i znaczenie praktyczne. Mapa została wykonana na podstawie istniejących materiałów hydrogeologiczych, przede wszystkim studni wierconych, przy równoczesnym wykorzystaniu wierceń geologicznych, wyników badań stacjonarnych, publikowanej literatury i licznych archiwalnych opracowań regionalnych. Mapa jest jednoplanszowa, a załącznikiem do niej jest tekst objasniający. Może ona stanowić podstawę regionalnych prac hydrogeologicznych, projektowania ujęć wód podziemnych i planowania rozwoju gospodarki wodnej.HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAP OF POLAND IN A SCALE OF 1:200,000 The paper describes a preparation of the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1:200,000, its contents and application. The map was prepared on the basis of archival data: drilled wells, research, geological and engineering-geological boreholes, literature and various hydrogeological archival materials, as well as general field inspection. Contents of the map are composed of the following elements: -          Potential yield of a typical well drill. Five output classes were distinguished: 2-10, 10-30, 30-70, 70-120 and over 120 m3/h of the so-called main horizon. The latter means a waterbearing horizon or stage, first from the land surface, and which is the common source of water supply. -          Hydrogeological subdivision, the so-called regionalisation. Three steps in the subdivision were applied. Regions formed the highest subdivision-rank and were distinguished in agreement with geological-structural borders. Within the regions, the subregions were distinguished on the basis of present hydrogeological stages. Subregions contained areas, based on variation of hydrogeological of a given stage. The map presents also depths and hydro-contour-lines of the first useful horizon. Additional essence is enclosed by side maps at margins of the main map. The first one presents depth of the first (from the land surface) underground water table at intervals of 0-5, 5-20 and over 20 m, isolines of annual total precipitation and evaluation of permeability of surface deposits.The second side map presents a thickness of water-bearing deposits of the Quaternary at intervals of: below 5, 5-15, 15-40 and over 40 m. The third map presents a water quality of the main horizon according to the following scale: good waters that do not need improvement, waters that need a simple improvement, and waters that need a complex improvement. The map is supplemented with the explaining next which presents general description of hydrogeological conditions, criteria of regional subdivision, description of water quality. The text encloses: documentation map, hydrogeological sections, curves of water and precipitation variation, and hydrochemical section. The map is published in colours. But a general hydrogeological description, the map is used for projects of underground water intakes and study works on use of underground waters.





