Mapa geologiczna Polski w skali 1:200 000


  • Józef Edward Mojski Polish Geological Institute, Marine Geology Branch in Gdańsk-Oliwa, ul. Kościerska 5, 80-328 Gdańsk


Mapa geologiczna Polski w skali 1:200 000 składa się z 77 arkuszy. Każdy obejmuje mapę utworów powierzchniowych i mapcę bez utworów czwartorzędu w skali 1 :200 000 w wersji wielobarwnej, po 16 arkuszy w skali 1:50 000 w wersji jednobarwnej i tekst objaśniający. Legenda do mapy stanowi około 600 wydzieleń stratygraficznych, w tym około 200 dla czwartorzędu. Uwzględniają one rodzaj osadu, jego genezę i wiek. Mapa bez czwartorzędu ujawnia rzeźbę powierzchni podczwartorzędowej. Integralną częścią mapy są wielobarwne przekroje geologiczne i profile stratygraficzne dla regionów o różnej budowie geologicznej, w tym również dla czwartorzędu. Druk całej mapy dobiega końca.GEOLOGICAL MAP OF POLAND IN A SCALE OF 1:200,000Works over the Geological Map of Poland in a scale of 1:200,000 were initiated in 1964 but practically at the end of the seventies. Basing on collected experience, a proper instruction on preparation of such map and its submitting 10 publication was constructed. The map is composed of the ones presenting superficial sediments, multicolored and in scale of 1:200,000. and of the one without the Quaternary sediments in the same scale. Besides there are also the basal maps for both these main issues in a scale of 1:50,000; they are black-white in colour and present a full geological content and location of boreholes. Multicolored maps in a scale of 1:200,000 comprise geological sections and stratigraphical profiles. There are several profiles at each sheet, one for each region different for its specific geological structure. A legend to the map is composed of about 600 age, genetic and lithological symbols, including about 190 symbols, for the Quaternary. Each sheet has published explanation - text. The edition of the map comes to its end. Up to the present 75 authors took part in its compilation, including 42 workers from the State Geological lnstitute. The first ten sheets were edited by J. Malinowski whereas the others by the author. In total there are 77 sheets. Pre-Quaternary sediments of the central and southern part of Poland were compiled by regional editors. The map presents a new, quite detailed picture especially for the Tertiary of the Polish Lowland and of the Quaternary cover for the whole country. It should form the basis for a preparation of numerous problem maps but of direct practical significance, especially for hydrogeology, analysis of vertical movements of the Earth crust in the most recent geological past and for studies of evolution of the natural environment.





