Stratygrafia karbonu i dolnego permu w otworze wiertniczym Strzeżewo 1


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Na podstawie badań palinologicznych w głębokim otworze wiertniczym Strzeżewo 1 udokumentowano najwyższy karbon: westfal C-D i stefan. W obrębie najwyższego karbonu i dolnego autunu wyróżniono pięć nieformalnych jednostek litostratygraficznych, reprezentatywnych dla Pomorza Zachodniego, oraz skorelowano wiekowo i litostratygraficznie profile z Pomorza Zachodniego i Rugii.STRATIGRAPHY OF THE CARBONIFEROUS AND LOWER PERMIAN IN THE BOREHOLE STRZEŻEWO 1The paper presents results of palynological studies on Paleozoic rocks from the borehole Strzeżewo 1 (vicinities of Kamień Pomorski, northern Poland - Fig. 1).The studies covered 21 samples of various rocks (mudstones and claystones), representing partially cored section from depth interval 3891.0-3413.5 m. Assemblages of identifiable sporomorphs have been found in six horizons from depth interval 3830.0-3615.5 m. The richest and most diversified of these assemblages comes from the depth 3759.5 m. Sporomorphs from the depths 3830.0-3760.0 m made possible dating of rocks yielding them at the Upper Westphalian, and those from the depth 3759.5 m are indicative of the Stephanian (possibly Stephanian B-C). Results of floristic studies generally give support to those of palynological studies, i.e. that the Carboniferous strata recorded here should be assigned to the uppermost Westphalian (C, D) and Stephanian (and possibly Autunian). The Strzeżewo section has been correlated with those from central Rugen Id. (G. Hirschmann et al., 1975) and other sections in western Pomerania (Fig. 2). Attention should be paid to disharmony of lithostratigraphic and paleontological correlations. The Strzeżewo (Sn Formation was correlated with the Upper Jasmund Beds, the Wrzosowo (W) Formation - with the Dornbusch, Trent and Rambin beds, and the Świniec (S) Formation - with the Monchgut Beds. Lower part of the Strzeżewo Formation is assigned to the Westphalian C-D, and the upper part and the Wrzosowo and Świniec formations - to the Stephanian and eventually Autunian.





