Ophiocistioidea (Echinodermata) z dewonu środkowego Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Andrzej Romanek xxx


 Z reziduów próbek konodontowych pochodzących z warstw grzegorzowickich i skalskich uzyskano płytki zębowe Ophiocistioidea. Opisano Cardioserra minima gen. n. i sp. n. Nowy gatunek jest stowarzyszony z licznym i zróżnicowanym zespołem organizmów morskich, głównie bentonicznych (Tabulata, Polychaeta, Brachiopoda, Ostracoda, Gastropoda, Crinoidea, Echinoidea, Holothurioidea). Określony dotychczas zasięg stratygraficzny C. minima sp. n. zawiera się w przedziale eifel-dolny żywet. OPHIOCISTIOIDEA (ECIDNODERMATA) FROM THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN DEPOSITS OF THE GÓRY ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS In residues of conodont samples coming from Grzegorzowice Beds and Skały Beds calcite plates were found. They were defined as goniodonts of Ophiocistioidea and were included into the new taxa Cardioserra minima gen. n., sp. n. In residues Cardioserra minima was associated by scolecodonts, gastropods, ostracods, crinoids, echinoids, ophiuroids. Ramose tabulata and brachiopods were noticed from the places of sampling. It shows that Cardioserra minima was a component of rich assemblage of marine benthos fauna. The stratigraphic range of Cardioserra minima compries Eifelian and the Lower Givetian.Systematic part Class Ophlocistioidea Sollas; 1899Cardioserra gen. n.Derivationominis. From the heart-shaped of plate (lat. cor) with dentate margins (lat. serra =saw).Type species. Cardioserra minima sp. n.Diagnosis. As for type species. Cardioserra mimima sp. n.(Tabl. I, Figs. 1-5)Holotypus. Tab. 1, Fig.5Locus typicus. Grzegorzowice profile, complex II (M. Pajchlowa, 1957), Grzegorzowice near Słupia Nowa. Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts.Stratumtypicum. Eifelian and Lower Givetian - Grzegorzowice Beds, Skały Beds.Derivationominis . From the small dimensions (lat. minima = the smallest).Materia1. 11 specimens and 38 fragments. IG Kielce.Dimensions (Fig. 2): Z'- 0,62-1,25; B - 0,41-1,21; L - 0,35-0,69; D - 0,05-0,10; H- 0,04-0,12; F - 0,025-0,77; N - 0,04-0,09 mm.Diagnosis. Very small goniodont with distinctly longer and wider main corner than others and only 8-10 corners on each dentate margin. Description. Heart-shaped plate, regularly symmetric, the smallest of the known. The main corner distincly longer and wider than others. Their largeness gradually decreases posteriorly. The prints of the following plate on the dorsal side are visible by the big specimen only.Remarks. Cardioserra minima differs from the known Ophiocistioidea by the small dimensions of goniodonts. The plate of C. minima distinctly differenciates from goniodonts of Rotasaccus dentiferHaude et Langenstrassen, the fewer number of corners, its regular distribution and the lack of S-shaped dentate margins. General view of C. minima is similar to goniodonts of Anguloserra thomasi Haude et Langenstrassen and Sollasina woodwardii (Sollas). I lower the plates of A. thomasi Haude et Langenstrassen are the biggest; they reach the length and width of 0,5 cm while the same dimensions of C. minima are not larger than 1,3 mm. Moreover lateral corners of A. thomasi Haude et Langenstrassen are distinctly curved toward the main corner. It is not observed by described goniodonts. The plates of Sollasina woodwardi (Sollas) are larger, the main corner is smaller than in Cardioserra minima and the number quantity of lateral corners is probably smaller.Occurence. Poland, Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts - Grzegorzowice, Zbrza, Marzysz, Kostomłoty, Stara Góra, Zaręby, Jaronowice, Wierzbontowice, Porzecz. 





