Budowa geologiczna góry Domaniówki koło Kielc


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 Przedstawiono profit litologiczny, stratygrafię i tektonikę osadów dolnodewońskich odsłaniających się na Domaniówce. Na podstawie analizy zespołu fauny zebranej na południowym zboczu góry określono wiek tych osadów jako górny ems. Przedyskutowano problem wieku zlepieńców i ich znaczenia dla korelacji utworów dolnego dewonu w regionie świętokrzyskim. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF MT. DOMANIÓWKA (KIELCE AREA) The paper presents lithological section, newly discovered faunal assemblage, and tectonics of Lower Devonian strata exposed at Mt Domaniówka (north of Kielce, Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts) - Fig. 1.In about 30-meters section of Lower Devonian rocks, exposed in the course of earthworks at southern slope of Mt Domaniówka (Fig. 2), there have been found remains of trilobites, ostracodes, ? cephalopods, gastropods, tentaculites, bivalves, brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids, and ? annelids (Tables I - IV).Detailed analysis of this assemblage made it possible to identify such taxa as Treveropyge rotundifrons (Emmrich), Plebejochonetes plebejus (Schnur) and Paracyclas rugosa (Goldfuss), and assign strata from the earthworks to the Upper Emsian. Moreover, a few slabs of silty sandstone full of brachiopod moulds have been found in regolith in near-summit part of Mt. Domaniówka. The sandstone generally resembles Upper Emsian strata described from Mt. Bukowa Góra (Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts) by H. Łobanowski (1971) in the mode of development.Two horizons of conglomerates have been found at southern slope of Mt. Domaniówka. Taking into account results of analysis of position of the conglomerates in regional section of the Upper Emsian, we are inclined to assume that the horizons are coeval and datable at lower Upper Emsian.Tectonic structure of Mt. Domaniówka appears determined by direct proximity of the Łysogóry Dislocation (Fig. 3). Devonian rocks are strongly folded and faulted here. In summit part of the mount the strata form a syncline with dips of the order of 40° (Fig. 1). In the south, the syncline contacts a narrow-radius fold with overturned synclinal part. Anticlinal part of that fold, symmetrical and with dips of c. 50° in limbs, is cut by a unnamed longitudinal dislocation in the south. Geological structure of Mt. Domaniówka is further complicated by subordinate longitudinal dislocations with azimuth of 110°.The Mt. Domaniówka section displays Upper Emsian strata with paleontological record, which were possibly formed in a shallow basin of the embayment type, similar to that of the Klonów Belt (H. Łobanowski, 1971). 





