Terminologia elementów morfologicznych stosowanych przy opisach skorupek małżoraczków paleozoicznych


  • Janina Sztejn xx
  • Maria Nehring-Lefeld xxx


Przedstawiono propozycję ujednolicenia terminologii polskiej stosowanej przy opisach małżoraczków paleozoicznych. Wszystkie terminy diagnostyczne opatrzone zostały krótkimi definicjami oraz odpowiadającymi im nazwami angielskimi i rosyjskimi. TERMINOLOGY OF MORPHOLOGICAL ELEMENT USED IN DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALAEOZOIC OSTRACODS Systematic progress in research of Palaeozoic ostracods in Poland rose a need of a compilation of unified diagnostic terms. The authoresses hope that this terminology will be accepted by Polish palaeontologists and consequently used in farther research work. The proposed terminology is based on the English one so each term in Polish is accompanied by its English counterpart. In many cases also the Russian terms are put aside. In some particular cases the Latin terms are mentioned as well. All the proposed terms are shortly defined. The drawings have been taken from the generally attainable text-book and other scientific papers that are cited in the references.The vocabulary is a continuation of a paper by J. Szczechura and J. Błaszyk (1975) who have proposed unified terminology concerning the morphological elements of the post-Palaeozoic ostracods.





