Palinostratygrafia utworów triasu w okolicach Brzegu (SE część monokliny przedsudeckiej)


  • Teresa Orłowska-Zwolińska xxx


 Przedstawiono zespól mikroflory z górnego pstrego piaskowca - retu oraz wapienia muszlowego i niższej części kajpru z otworów wiertniczych Odra 1 i Odra 3. Ustalono obecność 6 poziomów palinologicznych wyróżnionych wcześniej, uściślono zasięg poziomu Heliosaccus dimorphus, stwierdzono obecność nierozpoznanej mikroflory poniżej poziomu H. dimorphus i wyróżniono 4 międzypoziomy jałowe. PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF TRIASSIC DEPOSITS IN THE VICINITY OF BRZEG(SE PART OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE) The paper presents results of investigations on Triassic microflora from the vicinity of Brzeg where this type of research have been carried out for the first time. Due to these investigations the formerly defined (T. Orłowska-Zwolińska, 1983, 1984a, 1984b. 1985) palynological zones been found there (Tab. 1).The range of Heliosaccus dimorphus zone has been expanded over entire Muschelkalk sequence while previously it was supposed by the author to be confined to the upper part of it. In the Odra 3 borehole a new assemblage of transitional microflora, still not recognized precisely has been encountered at the border of Tsugaepollenites oriens and Heliosaccus dimporphus zones. Four barren interzones and one barren intrazone have been defined among palynological units. Detailed arrengement of microflora within particular sections is shown in Figs 2, 3. Among unpublished materials of T. Orłowska-Zwolińska there are also photographs of selected specimens of microflora from the Odra 3 borehole.They are presented in Tabs I - IV. There is a single specimen recognized as a new one but unfortunately the author has not diagnosed it. 





