The activities of the Geological institute in the years 1976-1980


  • Jan Malinowski xx


The research activities of the Geological Institute in the years 1976-1980 are reported in this paper in short. Diverse investigations concerned regional problems and subsequent prospecting for mineral raw materials. The most important research were connected with estimation of hydrocarbons potentiality with regard to Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian deposits in the platform area as well as Tertiary ones in the Carpathians. Both seismic prospection and deep drillings succeeded in precise determining the Paleozoic basement structure and in recognition the manifestations of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. They also resulted in cartographic and descriptive syntheses completed for few structures in the platform area.In the Upper Silesia and Sudetes the regional research were connected with determining exploratory prognoses concerning black coal and polymetallic mineralization. In the Świętokrzyskie Mts region the research were related to exploration of ore mineralizations. The Baltic Sea area has been covered with geological map of sea bottom in the scale of 1 : 200000. Detailed geological maps in the scale of 1 : 50000, areal geological, hydrogeological and geophysical maps in the scale of 1 : 100000 were being compiled during regional research, too.Prospection for mineral raw materials resulted in recognition some new deposits and thus the resources of mineral raw materials increased. The most important achievements concerned prospecting for sulphur, brown coal, rock and potassium salts, zinc and lead, as well as tin to some degree.During the hydrogeological investigations the groundwater resources were being estimated, water dynamics were being studied and stationary observations of groundwater level were begun.Together with the above activities the Geological Institute carried out many other research onstratigraphy, mineralogy and petrography which were mainly monographic studies.





