O granicy późnego glacjału i holocenu w profilu Widugiery na Suwalszczyźnie


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 Wyniki badań geologicznych i palinologicznych osadów z profilu Widugiery pozwalają stwierdzić, że akumulacja osadów organogenicznych, rozdzielających dwa poziomy glin zwałowych, przypada na późny glacjał i holocen. Rezultaty tych badań, poparte oznaczeniami wieku bezwzględnego metodamiTL i radiowęgla, upoważniają do wysunięcia wniosku, że górny poziom gliny zwałowej nie znajduje się w pozycji in situ. ON THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN LATE GLACIATION PERIOD AND HOLOCENE IN THE SECTION AT WIDUGIERY, SUWAŁKI LAKELAND In the road cutting at Widugiery about 15 km to the north of Sejny a 1.2 meter thick series of peats underlain by 25 cm thick saturated silts containing abundant organic matter has been outcropped in the oval hill surrounded by thaw depressions.Geological observations provoked question on the age of the organogenic deposits situated relatively high in comparison with surrounding depressions and whether the till cover was in situ although no appearences of dislocation had been recorded there. Both palynological investigations and radiocarbon(14C) datings proved that till which covered organogenic deposits were not in situ.The results of pollen analysis indicated that those deposits had been accumulated in cool climate, during the period of late glacial vegetation which is hardly correlable with the recession of Middle Polish Glaciation. However it can be related to the late glacial vegetation during Last Glaciation. Some characteristics of the recorded sequence allowed the authors to refer these deposits to the declining period of the last glaciation/very beginning of Holocene.14C dating of the middle part of peats indicated age of 9940± 110 BP (Gd - 3269) i.e. turn of GlacialPeriod while the underlying silts have been dated by TL method at 23 500 BP ± 2000 BP. 





