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 Malakofaunę znaleziono w osadach węglanowych zazębiających się z górną częścią pokładu głównego węgla brunatnego (Beł-C), pomiędzy I a II pokładem węgla (Beł-B) oraz nad pierwszym pokładem (Beł-A). Przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań najbogatszej w faunę serii osadów (Beł-B), gdzie obok ślimaków słodkowodnych i małżów stwierdzono występowanie około 30 gatunków ślimaków lądowych a także szczątków ssaków lądowych. Ich wiek na podstawie datowań trakowych oraz analizy szczątków ssaków określono przypuszczalnie jako karpat.  MIOCEN LAND SNAILS FROM EASTERN PART OF BEŁCHATÓW BROWN COAL DELF All descriptions of the Tertiary carbonate sediments in the area of the brown coal deposit Bełchatów underline the abundant occurrence of mollusc shells. They contain mainly freshwater snails and bivalves, coming from sampled borehole cores in various part of the deposit.The authors noted a presence of malacofauna in carbonate sediments of the southeastern part of the outcrop. They occur in various horizons: in upper part of the main seam (Beł-C), between coal seams I and II (Beł-B) and above the seams of brown coal (Beł-A). Besides freshwater snails and bivalves and also remains of land mammals, there are also abundant shells of land snails of about 30 species.Most material was collected from sediments at the slope between the seams I and II (Beł-B) at 108 m a.s.1. (site with vertebrate fauna Bełchatów 2).The malacofauna has not been completely studied yet (new samples are still systematicly collected) and at present, its variability at different horizons cannot be evaluated. Presented preliminary list of land snails is based on materials coming from the horizon Beł-B and contains the following species:Palaina cf. martensi (Andreae), Acicula limbata (Reuss), Renea pretiosa (Andreae), Carychium eumicron Bourguignat, C. schwageri (Reuss), Negulus suturalis suturalis (Sandberger), Vertigo minor Boettger, V. angulifera Boettger, V. callosa (Reuss), Argna oppoliensis (Andreae), Gastrocopta nouletiana (Dupuy), G. ferdinandi (Andreae) and G. turgida (Reuss). Besides the mentioned species there are also representatives of the genera: Strobilops (2 species), Acanthinula (2 species), Azeca, and of the families: Clausiliidae (4 species), Oleacinidae, Endodontidae, Zonitidae, Vitrinidae and Helicidae. The age of the malacofauna was determined on the basis of the track and analysis of mammal remains probably for Carpathian.  





