Anomalie grawimetryczne wywołane utworami podpermskimi w północno-zachodniej Polsce


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 Omówiono udział utworów kenozoiczno-mezozoiczno-permskich w tworzeniu grawimetrycznego obrazu zaburzeń. Przedstawiono anomalie lokalne i regionalne oraz ich powiązanie z utworami starszymi od permu. Określono związek stref gradientowych z tektoniką podpermską.  GRAVIMETRIC ANOMALIES CAUSED BY SUB-PERMIAN SEDIMENTS IN NORTHWESTERN POLAND Results of works connected with application of the stripping are presented for determination of anomalies from the sub-Permian basement in northwestern Poland. Regional anomalies coming from pre-Permian sediments are described with reference to tectonic regions of varying age. Participation of Cainozoic-Mesozoic-Permian rocks in formation of the gravimetric deformation image is presented and also influence of density changes of Zechstein complexes on development of local deformations.The map of anomalies from the Permian basement shows two types of areas:1 - undisturbed field, very extensive anomalies;2 - disturbed field, elongated alternate positive and negative anomalies with distinct gradientzones.The first type comprises the Precambrian Platform and the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. The other one - Pomerania and Kujawy Swell, Szczecin and Mogilno Troughs. Generally speaking, the regional anomalies of the first area are genetically connected with crystalline rocks of the basement (with morphology and petrographic variability). The second area indicates numerous and distinct local anomalies against extensive regional anomalies. Negative local anomalies are connected, particularly in Pomerania, with location of salt diapirs. Certain portion of amplitudes of some anomalies can result from inaccurate recognition of the structure whereas the other one is caused by the Permian basement. 





