Zawartość fosforu w węglach kamiennych Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Anna Różkowska xxx
  • Henryk Parzentny xx


 Średnia zawartość fosforu w górnośląskich węglach kamiennych wynosi 404 g/t (od 0 do ponad 5000 g/t). Niska jest szczególnie w węglach krakowskiej serii piaskowcowej oraz w węglach z warstw siodłowych z górnośląskiej serii piaskowcowej, najwyższa zaś w węglach serii mułowcowej, głównie z dolnej części warstw załęskich oraz górnej części warstw rudzkich ss. W węglach serii paralicznej jest zbliżona do przeciętnej dla węgli kamiennych świata. W rejonie hydrogeologicznie odkrytym w węglach górnej części profilu litostratygraficznego jest niższa niż w rejonie hydrogeologicznie zakrytym. Niska jest też w otworach usytuowanych na peryferiach zagłębia.  THE CONTENTS OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE BLACK COALS FROM THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Phosphorus in coal is a subordinate element. It is important because of the properties, which it imparts to the casting coke. It was found, that several black coals from the Upper Silesia contain high amount of phosphorus (in the coal ash up to 5% P2O5). According to the analyses of 1129 samples from 27 boreholes, the arithmetic mean for the phosphorus content of the Upper Silesia black coals was determined. It corresponds to 404 grammes per metric tonne (404 g/t), with oscillations from 0 to over 5000 g/t. In comparison with the most often occurring concentration of that element in black coals of the world (200 ± 20 gft), it is a heightened amount.The concentration of phosphorus in the black coals from the Upper Silesia is differentiated stratigraphically and regionally. It is generally low in the sandstone series, especially in coals from the Cracow Sandstone Series and in the coals from the saddle strata in the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series. The highest concentration of phosphorus appears in the coals from the mudstone series, mainly from the lower parts of the Załęże Strata and in some of the boreholes in the Ruda Sląska Strata ss. In the coals from the paralic series, the average concentration of phosphorus (X=231 g/t) is near the mean for the black coals of the world.  In the hydrogeologically open district in the northern part of the investigated area, the amount of phosphorus in coals from the upper part of the lithostratigraphic profile is diminished in comparison with coals laying in the hydrogeologically closed district. The concentration of phosphorus in coals from the boreholes situated peripherally to the area of the basin is generally low. The distribution of phosphorus content in coals, dependent on the amount of ash shows, that phosphorus is bound in the sorbing part of the ash. It was found, that the amounts of phosphorus and strontium are correlated in the high-phosphorus coals from the mudstone series.





