Akritarchy paleozoiczne z okolic Siewierza (północne obrzeżenie GZW)


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 Z serii łupkowo-piaskowcowej ordowiku udostępnionej otworem wiertniczym BM 152 (na W od Siewierza) pobrano 7 próbek do badań. Tylko w dwóch stwierdzono akritarchy należące do kilkunastu różnych rodzajów reprezentujących przede wszystkim podgrupy: Sphaeromorphitae. Acanthomorphitae i Polygonomorphitae. Wśród oznaczonych gatunków, poza paleozoicznymi akritarchami długowiecznymi, występują przede wszystkim akritarchy znalezione dotychczas w utworach ordowiku. PALAEOZOIC ACRITARCHA FROM THE SIEWIERZ VICINITY (NORTHERN MARGINOF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN) From a shisty-sandstone series from the BM 152 borehole, situated to the west of Siewierz (the northern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin - Figs 1, 2) were taken seven samples of clayay-dolomitic and siliceous schists are reconed with Ordovician. In two from among these samples there were stated the occurrence of Acritarcha valves ranked with many various genera representing mainly subgroups Sphaeromorphitae, Acanthamorphitae and Polygonomorphitae (Fig. 3; Tabs 1-VII).Amongst species determined, besides some long-lived Palaeozoic forms, occur mainly Acritarcha found till now in the Ordovician deposits in various parts of Europe, North America and USSR (Tab. 1).Scantiness and state of preservation of the material determined do not allow in the present phase ofinvestigations to rank with determined sections of Ordovician; it would require more similar investigations in the other profiles and Palaeozoic samples from adjoing regions of the north-eastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.





