Old Paleozoic ore mineralization of the Myszków - Mrzygłód area (NE margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin)


  • Kazimierz Piekarski Polish Geological lnstitute, Upper Silesian Branch in Sosnowiec, ul. Królowej Jadwigi 1, 41-200 Sosnowiec
  • Zdzisław Migaszewski Polish Geological lnstitute, Holy Cross Mountains Branch, Zgoda 21, 25-953 Kielce


Ore mineralization of the Old Paleozoic rocks making up the bedrock of the Myszków - Mrzygłód area is represented by many genetic types which developed in several phases and stages affected by tectonic movements. In the first phase, corresponding to the preliminary development of the Caledonian geosyncline, the pyrite-chalcopyrite and sphalerite-galenite-chalcopyrite syndiagenetic mineralization was formed. During the second and third phases embracing the period of regional metamorphism and main Caledonian foldings, the forming of the Myszków Elevation structure along with its core filling granitoid intrusion took place. At that time there originated small skarnoid and skarn bodies as well as chlorite-quartz veins with pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization containing an admixture of magnetite and pyrrhotite. In the fourth and fifth phases connected with the period of the Caledonian Orogen inversion there developed the main mineralization of molybdenite-scheelite-chalcopyrite of stockwork type and copper mifieralization of porphyry copper type. In the sixth phase, linked to the Variscan, Cimmerian and Alpine movements, there were formed quartz-carbonate and black quartz veins with chalcopyrite-galenite-sphalerite mineralization containing an admixture of fine-grained molybdenite and scheelite, as well as younger barite-carbonate and carbonate veins with galenite-sphalerite-anglesite mineralization





