Nowe stanowisko gleb kopalnych w Stężycy na tle budowy geologicznej


  • Marcin Żarski xxx


Nowe stanowisko gleb kopalnych w Stężycy na tle budowy geologicznej W wydmie w okolicy Stężycy udokumentowano stanowisko gleb kopalnych ze schyłku ostatniego zlodowacenia i holocenu. Odtworzono kolejne etapy powstawania wydmy, a metodą 14C oznaczono wiek bezwzględny poziomów glebowych. Określono także wiek tarasu nadzalewowego niższego Wisły.  THE NEW LOCALITY OF FOSSILS SOILS AT STĘŻYCA AGAINST THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE The occurrence of three levels of fossil soils in and under the dune was stated at Stężyca region nearDęblin. The oldest soil is aged 12 94 ± 110 BP and correlated with the Boelling-Agard Period. The soil is laying on muds on the surface of the lower overflood Vistula terrace. It indicates the earlier time of the terrace formation than above-mentioned date. The second soil (rusty) is dated from the Late Atlantic Period (5910 ± 110 BP). It is separated from the soil of the Boelling Period by 1.5 m layer of eolian sands. The youngest soil dates from the Subatlantic Period. In the upper part of the dune the horizon is dated from 1280 ± 50 BP, and the lower part - from 2220 ± 70 BP. The complex of eolian sands of thickness 2-5 m is situated above this soil. It was stated on the base of dating of the peats floor from the peat-bog placed along the edge of glacial plateau that the Vistula flow stopped there on the turn of Pleistocene and Holocene.





