Lithology and stratigraphy of Pleistocene loess-like deposits in the Załubińcze section (Nowy Sącz Basin - Outer Carpathians)


  • Jerzy Nawrocki Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa
  • Antoni Wójcik Polish Geological lnstitute, Carpathian Branch in Cracow, ul. Skrzatów 1, 31-560 Kraków


Silt loess-like deposits of a considerable thickness occur on the margins of the Nowy Sącz Basin. The most complete section is placed at Załubińcze near the northern border of Nowy Sącz. Palaeomagnetic data, TL dating and the occurrence of palaeosols allow determination of heterochronous parts of the section. The discussed loess-like deposits are covered by fiuvial deposits. which can be connected with the South-Polish Glaciation. Three parts: lower, middle and upper have been distinguished in the outcropping silty deposits. Samples with negative magnetic inclination occur in the lower and middle part of the section. The lowermost has been interpreted as the Emperor event and the uppermost as the Biwa II - Chagan event. Furthermore. uppermost samples from the middle part reveal evidence of a palaeomagnetic excursion interpreted as Jamaica excursion (Biwa II). TL dating reveals ages between 81 and 411 ka. The deposits represent the San, Wilga, Liwiec, Odra, Vistula glaciations and the Mazovian I and II interglacials. The Warta Stage, Lublin (Zbójno) and Eemian interglacials deposits have not been discerned.





