Czerwony spągowiec pobrzeża Pomorza Zachodniego i przyległego akwenu Bałtyku


  • Jędrzej Pokorski xx


Omówiono litostratygrafię rozwój litofacjalny i dokonano analizy miąższościowej dolnego i górnego czerwonego spągowca. Przedstawiono korelację z profilami czerwonego spągowca Europy środkowej i Zachodniej. Rotliegendes in the northwesternmost Pomerania and the adjacent Baltic BasinRotliegendes of the area in question has been recognized in many deep boreholes. The following lithostratigraphic unit have been distinguished in this area:Świniec Formation (about 100 m thick) is composed mostly of fine- and medium-grained sandstones with intercalations of claystones and siltstones. Some layers of conglomerates occur within its lower part. These are mainly fluvial deposits. This formation is correlated with the Monchgut Member from the Rugen Island (GDR).Wielkopolska Formation (thickness more then 600 m) consists of several types of effusive and pyroclastic rocks. They form two volcanic covers, the lover of them being the andesite-dacite-rhyodacite assemblage, and the upper - dacite-latite-rhyolite assemblage.Drawa Formation (thickness up to 580 m) is a great sedimentary-diastrophic fining-upward cycle with a sequence: conglomerate-sandstone-siltstone and claystone. The upper boundary of the Drawa Formation has an erosive character, due to denudation, which removed the oldest deposits. This formation is correlated with the Havela Formation (GDR) and the Schneverdingen Formation (FRG).Noteć Formation (maximum thickness 700 m) is composed of red clastic rocks and represents also a great fining - upward cycle. This formation has been correlated with the Elba Formation (GDR), the Slochteren Hauptsandstein Formation (FRG) and the Slochteren Sandstone Formation (Netherland). The Resko and Zabartowo Members consisting of siltstones and claystones occur in the higher parts of the Drawa and Noteć Formations. These two members corespond to the Hannower- Wechselfolge Formation in Lower Saxony. Both Świniec and Wielkopolska Formations belong to the Lower Rotliegendes (Odra Group). The deposits of the Drawa and Notec Formations have been assigned to the Upper Rotliegendes (Warta Group). In the Upper Rotliegendes the deposits of alluvial fans, braided streams, alluvial plains and playas have been distinguished. The primary and present extents, lithofacies and thickness of the Wielkopolska Formation and the Warta Group have been presented in Figs. 2-5.Carboniferous-Permian stage of the geological evolution of this area was closed with the period of the increased volcanic activity. A new, Permian-Mesozoic stage of the platform cover evolution starts with the diastrophic sedimentation of the Upper Rotliegendes.





