Qualitative and quantitative variations of the ground waters from the vicinity of Tarnobrzeg resulting from sulphur mining


  • Jan Malinowski xxx
  • Marian Perek xxx


The groundwaters of the Quaternary horizon have become quantitatively and qualitatively degraded over an area of about 150 km2 of underground sulphur melting in Jeziórko and in the open pit Machów. Within the mining fields of Jeziórko and nearby areas the groundwaters display an increase in the content of sulphates and chlorides resulting from the pumping of salt waters into the Tertiary beds. The degradation of groundwater resources is an effect of the dewatering of the open pit Machów. In Jeziórko sulphate migration into consumption waters of the Quaternary is observed. The aquifers under the external dump have also been degraded. The sulphates and chlorides which penetrate the groundwaters within the Quaternary sediments, are quickly diluted and their extent is limited.After complete exploitation of the Jeziórko mine the groundwaters of Quaternary deposits may retrieve their primary quality.  





