Dynamics of the surface sediments at the sea-floor along the Vistula Spit shoreface


  • Izabela Górecka Polish Geological lnstitute, Marine Geology Branch, Kościerska 5, PL-80-328 Gdańsk


Dominant directions have been determined for sedimentary transportation taking place along the Vistula Spit (Mierzeja Wiślana) at sea depths of 2, 5, and 10m. The basic transportation of sediments has been found to take place from the west to the east. The least amount of longshore sedimentary transportation is that existing at a depth of 2 m. It translocates the sediments eastward up to the Przebrn and Krynica Morska area. The longshore stream at a depth of 10 m has the maximum extent since it is capable of translocating sediments along the entire segment of the shoreface under present study. The places are also delineated where either abrasion or aggradation of the sea·shore is likely. Based on this study a conclusion can be drawn that abrasion of the sea-shore can take place eastward of Stegna, in the area of Kąty Rybackie, and west of Krynica Morska, whereas aggradation can occur in the areas of Jantar, Krynica Morska and Piaski.





