Loess magnetism in the Odonów section (S Poland)


  • Jerzy Nawrocki xxx
  • Anna E. Siennicka-Chmielewska xxx


The paper presents results of palaeomagnetic investigations in the loess section at Odonów II. The previously noted (P. Tuchołka, 1977) relative inclination decrease just above the oldest palaeosol of the Warta Interstadial is reinterpreted as the Jamaica event. Palaeomagnetic events within other Polish sections with loesses and loess-like sediments have also been partly reinterpreted and compiled. The results of palaeomagnetic susceptibility investigations reveal that the value of this parameter is strictly connected with climatic conditions during the sedimentation of examined deposits; at the same time direct influence was caused by climatically controlled pedogenetic processes. High values of magnetic susceptibility have been observed in the Nietulisko I type palaeosol complex, what is connected with the formation of a new generation of magnetite during intensive pedogenesis. Low values of magnetic susceptibility are typical mainly for gleyed interstadial palaeosols, in which disintegration of grains of the main susceptibility carrier - magnetite - took place. The correlation of susceptibility changes plot from Odonów with the oxygen plot is not as easy as in the case of Chinese loesses (see G. Kukla el at., 1988). This fact is caused by diametrically different factors determining values of magnetic susceptibility in interglacial and interstadial palaeosols.





