Acritarch assemblages from the Silurian Pomeranian Caledonides and their foreland


  • Monika Jachowicz Upper Silesian Branch, Polish Geological Institute Królowej Jadwigi 1, PL-41-200 Sosnowiec


Pomerania, Caledonides, Silurian, acritarch assemblages


Comprehensive palynological studies of the Silurian rocks of the Pomeranian Caledonides are described, the first since Eisenack´s (1972) work, 250 clastic rock samples were analysed, all from deep boreholes. Three of these boreholes (Lębork IG I, Gdańsk IG I and Kościerzyna IG I) are located NE of the Teisseyre-Tomquist Zone (TTZ) and contain horizontal successions of the western, marginal part of the East European Craton. Other boreholes studied (Bydgoszcz IG I, Klosnowo IG I and Stobno I) penetrated folded Lower Palaeozoic sediments, and lie SE of the TTZ. The investigations included a complete Silurian profile from the Llandovery to the Pridoli, which is documented in detail by graptolites. Associations of microflora (Acritarcha. Prasinophyceae, Sporites) and microfauna (Chitinozoa, Scolecodonta) varied in quality and quantity. There was considerable variability in the preservation and thermal maturity of the organic-walled microfossils. Detailed investigations of the acritachs are described. 7 characteristic acritarch assemblages have been distinguished, and these are correlated with the graptolite biozones. Llandovery rocks contain assemblages with Domasia, Ammonidium and Tylotopalla genera. Wenlock deposits include Tylotopalla, Leptobrachion and Cymbosphaeridium. The Upper Ludlow deposits contain well preserved assemblages with Visbysphaera, Veryhachium, Onondagella and Leoniella, accompanied by Neoveryhachium carminae, Geron gracilis, and some Deflandrastrum and Visbysphaera species generally considered characteristic of Gondwana. Throughout the Silurian profile, individual specimens of typical Ordovician genera such as Acanthodiacrodium, Frankea, Striatotheca and Coryphidium occur. The acritarch assemblages overall show mixed characters, typical of both Baltica and Gondwana.





