Malacological characteristic of the Weichselian Upper Pleniglacial (MIS-2) loess profile in Tłumaczów (SW Poland)


  • Witold Paweł Alexandrowicz AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Chair of Environmental Analysis, Cartography and Economic Geology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow
  • Dariusz Ciszek Polish Geological Institute, Lower Silesian Branch, Al. Jaworowa 19, 53-122 Wrocław
  • Magdalena Gołas-Siarzewska , AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Chair of Environmental Analysis, Cartography and Economic Geology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow



loess, malacofauna, Weichselian Upper Pleniglacial, Sudetes, southern Poland


The profile of silty sediments in Tłumaczów was the subject of detailed lithological and malacological analyses. Abundant malacofauna represented by typical loess species were found in the sediments. The variability of the species composition and ecological structure of faunal assemblages provided the basis for the reconstruction of the sedimentary environment and characteristics of the climatic conditions that prevailed during the deposition of the sediments. The results of analyses indicate that the described sediments belong to the youngest loess series related to the Weichselian Upper Pleniglacial (MIS-2). The sequence of molluscan assemblages shows considerable similarities to the described faunas found in numerous loess profiles in southern Poland. It differs substantially from the malacological sequences recognized in loess profiles in Western and Southern Europe. This proves the significant and climate-determined diversification of malacocoenoses during the Weichselian Upper Pleniglacial (MIS-2) in Europe.  





