Regional and local detritus sources and turbidity current directions in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin System during Late Miocene: case study of the Kloštar Field.


  • Kristina Novak Zelenika INA-Industry of Oil, Plc. Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas, Sector for Geology and Reservoir Management, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb
  • Josipa Velić Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb
  • Tomislav Malvić INA-Industry of Oil, Plc. Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas, Sector for Geology and Reservoir Management, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb



Sequential Indicator Simulations, Upper Miocene sandstones, turbidites, Croatia, Sava Depression, reservoirs


The source of the clastic sediments in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin System (CPBS) during the Late Pannonian and Early Pontian was the Eastern Alps. Clastic sediments were redeposited several times before they reached the Sava Depression. The depositional environment and sediment transport mechanisms have been subject to detailed analysis described in many publications, and this study builds on previous research. We have carried out geostatistical mapping of selected Upper Pannonian and Lower Pontian reservoir variables of the Kloštar Field, located to the west of the Moslavačka gora Mt. (Croatia). This has shown that the Moslavačka gora Mt. was a secondary, local source of sediment, in contrast to the previous interpretation of a single, distant clastic source (Eastern Alps) for the CPBS during  the Late Miocene. As the mineralogical composition of the Moslavačka gora Mt. and the Eastern Alps is very similar, the dominant direction of turbidity currents obtained by sequential indicator simulations are used to suggest that a modest amount of detritus was eroded from the Moslavačka gora Mt. and mixed with detritus sourced from the Eastern Alps. 





