Statistical analysis of petrophysical parameters of Middle Miocene rocks from the Polish Carpathian Foredeep


  • Maria Joanna Bala AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
  • Jadwiga Anna Jarzyna AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
  • Zofia Mortimer AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland



Middle Miocene, Carpathian Foredeep, fractal correlation dimension, statistical analysis, well logging data


Sarmatian thin-bedded sandstone and shales have been a subject of statistical studies to differentiate between good and poor reservoir rocks and to show gas-saturated layers in comparison to water-saturated strata. Statistical studies including fractal analysis were performed on well logging data from the Sędziszów 34 borehole drilled in a belt of hydrocarbon deposits that continue below the northern edge of the Carpathian–Stebnik overthrust. Lithological variability and porosity differentiation and changes in water saturation were traced on the basis of the results of well logging interpretation. Basic statistics and histograms of petrophysical parameters have been analysed. A generalized second order fractal correlation dimension was calculated for all parameters and analysed as for a time series. Fractal dimensions did not correlated with the parameters, but good positive correlations between them and the parameters were observed and showed that the curves analysed had the same type of complexity. High correlation coefficients showed pairs of fractal dimensions for those parameters which had similar variability and the same curve roughness. The fractal correlation dimension described the type of complexity of the parameter (curve roughness) and indicated, for example, how shaliness influenced the reservoir properties of the local Middle Miocene. Therefore, the results were also useful in practice, which gave extra information on thin-bedded reservoir rocks. 





