Palynological data from the Siciny IG 1 and Marcinki IG 1 boreholes and their significance to the interpretation of the Carboniferous succession of SW Poland


  • Anna Górecka-Nowak Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Cybulskiego 30, PL-50-205 Wrocław, Poland


Carboniferous, palynostratigraphy, redeposition, tectonical deformation


This paper describes in detail palynological data from the Carboniferous siliciclastic rock succession from the Siciny IG 1 and Marcinki IG 1 boreholes (SW Poland), that allow reinterpretation of the local stratigraphy. Two rock series of different ages were recognized. Rocks from the Siciny IG 1 section were assigned to the upper Arnsbergian-Alportian (the Lycospora subtriquetra-Kraeuselisporites ornatus (SO) Biozone) and the Bolsovian (the Torispora securis-Torispora laevigata (SL) Biozone). In the upper part of the Carboniferous section in the Marcinki IG 1 section the upper Arnsbergian-Alportian and Duckmantian interval (the Lycospora subtriquetra-Kraeuselisporites ornatus (SO) and the Microreticulatisporites nobilis-Florinites junior (NJ) biozones respectively) were recognized, although the quality of the palynological data from the latter borehole was generally poor. These results conflict with a Viséan age for these rocks interpreted from fossil marine macrofaunas and indicate the reworked nature of the macrofaunas. Possible means of the macrofaunal reworking, sedimentary environment and thermal history, based on the palynological data, are discussed. Repetition of the stratigraphical succession, probably due to tectonic deformation of the rocks in both sections, is demonstrated and indicate a post-Bolsovian age for the deformation event.





