Simulation of the shorelines of glacial Lake Peipsi in Eastern Estonia during the Late Weichselian


  • Alar Rosentau Institute of Geology, University of Tartu, Vanemuise 46, EE-51014 Tartu, Estonia
  • Tiit Hang Institute of Geology, University of Tartu, Vanemuise 46, EE-51014 Tartu, Estonia
  • Avo Miidel Institute of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086, Estonia


Late Weichselian, glacial Lake Peipsi, proglacial environment, GIS, water level changes, glacial rebound


Digital reconstruction of the evolution of glacial Lake Peipsi, Eastern Estonia, was based on a geographic information system (GIS) method that removed isostatically deformed palaeowater planes from the current digital terrain model. A reconstruction of the proglacial water levels was performed with respect to geomorphological correlation of river terraces, raised shorelines and eroded surfaces of various aqueoglacial landforms. The configuration of shorelines, main outlets and water depths of glacial Lake Peipsi, corresponding to the Otepää, Piirissaar, Kaiu and Pandivere-Neva stades during the deglaciation of the Lake Peipsi depression, was simulated. The two approaches used, reflecting the geomorphological correlation of Raukas and Rähni (1969) and Hang (2001), are discussed.





