Geological setting of the Milejowice-Janowice diabase intrusion: insights into post-Caledonian magmatism in the Holy Cross Mts., Poland


  • Zbigniew Kowalczewski Polish Geological Institute, Holy Cross Mts. Branch, Zgoda 21, PL-25-953 Kielce, Poland


Holy Cross Mts., Łysogóry Unit, Early Devonian, magnetic anomaly, diabase intrusion


Near Milejowice and Janowice in the eastern part of the Łysogóry Unit of the Holy Cross Mts., Poland, a SW-NE trending diabase has been identified intruding Lower Palaeozoic strata. This intrusion causes a magnetic anomaly, with DT values of 48-112 g. It is orientated perpendicular to the regional strike. Boreholes encountered one to three component dykes 2.0 to more than 10.0 m thick inclined at 75-90°, generally towards the east. They are hydrothermally altered and affected by surface weathering. The intrusion is located along two independent transverse faults, "skipping" from one to another irrespective of their strike. The intrusive zone is strongly tectonically disturbed, S-curved and disrupted by faults into segments and sub-segments. Most of the diabases are slicken-sided, and locally cataclased and mylonitized. The Milejowice-Janowice diabases probably formed in the Early Devonian, i.e. late Lochkovian-early Pragian, as post-tectonic igneous rocks belonging to within-plate, continental basalts according to Krzemiński (2004). Their origin may be referred to magmatism triggered by the extension of the Baltica passive margin during the final Late Silurian-Early Devonian phase of its collision with eastern Avalonia. A complex and at least two-phase development of magmatism in the Holy Cross Mts. is envisaged.





