Diagenesis, sequence stratigraphy and reservoir quality of the Carboniferous deposits of the southeastern Lublin Basin (SE Poland)



diagenesis, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir quality, Carboniferous, Lublin Basin


This study estimates the reservoir properties of the Carboniferous deposits in the southeastern part of the Lublin Basin based on diagenetic and sequence stratigraphic patterns. Depositional sequences distinguished represent the following environments/processes: shallow clay and carbonate shelves, deltaic, fluvial, and hyperconcentrated flow while parasequences (cyclothems), maximum regression-initial transgression surfaces (T), maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) and also lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST) and highstand (HST) systems tracts have been recognised. Sequences recognized may be linked to the global stratigraphic division of the Carboniferous, thus providing a time framework and environmental context for petrographic and petrophysical examinations. The reservoir properties were found to be clearly controlled by depositional environment, diagenetic history and burial. The best properties were recognized in sandstone lithosomes formed in braided, meandering and anastomosed fluvial channels and hyperconcentrated flows which fill the incised valleys and belong to the LST. They are characterized by good porosity reaching up to 15.1%. The TST and HST deposits are represented chiefly by claystones, mudstones and limestones that formed in a shallow shelf and deltaic environment, being sealing intervals. The diagenetic history of sandstones comprises eo-, meso- and telodiagenetic phases. The major processes acting during the first of these were mechanical compaction, dissolution of mineral grains, formation of predominantly quartz overgrowths around the quartz grains, and crystallization of kaolinite. During mesodiagenesis, cementation with quartz, kaolinite and carbonates continued along with the formation of dickite and fibrous illite; moreover, mineral grains were dissolved and chemical compaction set in. The effects of telodiagenetic processes were feldspar dissolution and precipitation of kaolinite. During diagenesis the maximum temperature affecting the Carboniferous deposits was ~120°C. Compaction and cementation were the main factors responsible for the reduction of porosity by approximately 55 and 38%, respectively. One of the major diagenetic processes was dissolution resulting in the formation of secondary porosity. The Serpukhovian and Bashkirian sandstones from sequence 11 show good reservoir potential, while those from sequences 6, 9, 10, 12–14 only fair potential.






Thematic issue