Integrated biostratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic shallow water carbonates of the High-Tatric Unit (Mały Giewont area, Western Tatra Mountains, Poland)


  • Andrzej Pszczółkowski Institute of Geological Sciences, PAS, Warsaw Research Centre
  • Jacek Grabowski pgi-nri
  • Andrzej Wilamowski pgi-nri



biostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy, Upper Jurassic, Tatra Mts, High-Tatric succession


New biostratigraphical and carbon isotope data are presented for the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation (High Tatric unit, Western Tatra Mountains, Poland) from the Mały Giewont area. The Kimmeridgian, lower Tithonian and lower part of the upper Tithonian have been identified on the basis of calcareous dinocysts and calpionellids. Eight microfossil biozones are distinguished: acme Fibrata, acme Parvula, Moluccana, Borzai, Tithonica acme Pulla(?), Malmica, Chitinoidella and Crassicollaria (pars). The Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary is indicated at the top of the Borzai Zone 76 m above the base of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation. The microfossil stratigraphy suggests the late Early Kimmeridgian age (acme Parvula Zone) of the ammonites described by Passendorfer (1928). The taxon Taramelliceras ex gr. compsum found 14 m above those ammonites is Late Kimmeridgian in age. Seven microfacies types (MF) are identified in the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Mały Giewont area. The Bositra-Saccocomidae MF occurs across the Lower-Upper Kimmeridgian boundary. The planktonic and benthic foraminifera occur in the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation. The genera Lenticulina Lamarck and Spirillina Ehrenberg are common in the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian limestones. The palaeobathymetric evolution of the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian deposition recorded in the Mały Giewont sections reveals: the transgressive episode at the Lower/Upper Kimmeridgian boundary interval, the transgression peak during the Early Tithonian (Malmica Zone) and gradual shallowing of the High-Tatric swell in the Late Tithonian. Integrated isotope stratigraphy and biostratigraphy enabled correlation with the pelagic section of the Sub-Tatric succession in the Długa Valley section. The middle part of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation (Upper Kimmeridgian) might be correlated with the upper part of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation (red radiolarites) and Czorsztyn Formation in the Długa Valley section. The upper part of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation of Early Tithonian age corresponds mostly to the Jasenina Formation. The overall similarity of the δ13C decreasing values recorded in the Kimmeridgian–earliest Tithonian interval of the Mały Giewont (this study) and Długa Valley sections indicates that the generally shallow-water deposits of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation accumulated below the zone influenced by changes in the composition of marine water caused, for instance, by intense rainfalls.


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