New data about Matonia braunii (Göppert) Harris from the Early Jurassic of Poland and its ecology.


  • Maria Barbacka 1. Polish Academy of Sciences 2. Hungarian Natural History Museum
  • Grzegorz Pacyna Jagiellonian University
  • Grzegorz Pieńkowski Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
  • Jadwiga Ziaja Polish Academy of Sciences



Poland, Holy Cross Mountains, Hettangian, Matonia


Fern remains of matoniacean affinity were found in the Lower Hettangian strata of lacustrine/backswamp origin from the Niekłań PGI 1 borehole (central Poland, Holy Cross Mts.). The preserved fragments have been identified as Matonia braunii (Göppert, 1841) Harris, 1980. The remains suggest a rather small, low-growth plant with palmately compound fronds. The sori contain at least 5 sporangia preserved with well-developed annuli. The spores are triangular, trilete and kyrtomate, with a thin and smooth surface corresponding with dispersed Dictyophyllidites mortoni (de Jersey, 1959) Playford et Dettmann, 1965. Based on the gross morphology of sterile and fertile pinnae, suggestions made by Harris (1980) on the synonymy of Phlebopteris braunii (Göppert, 1841) Hirmer et Hörhammer, 1936 with P. muensteri Schenk, 1867 (Hirmer and Hörhammer, 1936) and their referral to Matonia braunii is proved and confirmed in this paper. The fern occurs in strata indicating a warm and humid climate and approaching transgression resulting in a high water table and the enhanced accumulation of organic matter.

Author Biographies

Maria Barbacka, 1. Polish Academy of Sciences 2. Hungarian Natural History Museum

1. W. Szafer Institute of Botany2. Department of Botany

Grzegorz Pacyna, Jagiellonian University

Department of Palaeobotany and Palaeoherbarium, Institute of Botany,

Jadwiga Ziaja, Polish Academy of Sciences

W. Szafer Institute of Botany






Thematic issue