Podłoże północno-zachodniej Polski na tle struktur otaczających


  • Władysław Pożaryski


Podłoże północno-zachodniej Polski na tle struktur otaczającychSUBSTRATUM OF NORTH-WESTERN POLAND IN REFERENCE ITS SURROUNDING STRUCTURESAfter the second world war in the area between Kujawy and the western boundary of Poland intensive geological research were started (R. Dadlez, 1956, 1957; W. Bielecka and Z. Dąbrowska, 1957; S. Tyski, 1957).In the north-european basin, along the border of the fenno-scandian shield, a number of tectonic fold elements developed during the Younger Mesozoic and the Older Tertiary moulded in a parallel Or almost parallel direction to the shield border. In their most peaked ,form showing a maximum of amplitudes, these elements are located in the eastern part of the basin where their structures come closest to each other and where ,the Variscan massifs are in nearest vicinity to the shield.



