Piaskowce kwarcytowe Ostrzeszowa


  • Olech Juskowiak


QUARTZITIC SANDSTONES OF OSTRZESZÓW (SOUTH-WESTERN POLAND)The elevations in the vicinity of Ostrzeszów are built of arenaceous-argillaceous sediments of Miocene age.Among them occur cemented siliceous rooks, hitherto called quartzites, which are being used for too manufacture of fire clay material.Petrographical investigations of these rocks proved that actually they are diagenized clastic rocks. Among them the following varieties might be distinguished monomictic sandstones of psammitic texture (Plate II, Fig. 4), sometimes of a conglomerate type .(Plate II, Fig. 3), and quartz siltstones of silty texture (Plate III, Fig. 5). Most frequently occur varieties of an intermediate texture, ie. an siIty-psammitic one (Plate IV, Fig. 6). Some of the samples of the discussed row disclose, due to distinct secondary alterations of the cementing mass (recrystallization), the character of quartzitic sandstones.



