Liasowe megaspory z Praszki, Zawiercia i Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Teresa Marcinkiewicz


MEGASPORES OF THE LIAS FROM PRASZKA, ZAWIERCIE AND THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINSThis report deaIs with the preliminary investigation of megaspores, originating mainly from the Liassic sediments.New forms hitherto not described in literature are predominant among the distinguished species. Only Triletes phyllicus M u r r. is noteworthy among them. It appears abundantly in the Upper Helenów beds (Lias a1) in the vicinity of Gorzów Śląski - Praszka (Cracow - Wieluń region). In the Święty Krzyż Mountains, however, Lycostrobus scottii N a t h. has been disclosed in sediments of probably the same age.Further, more detailed, results regarding megaspores from the Praszka profiles will be published in the near future.



