Seria śląska w dorzeczu Wielkiej Puszczy


  • Wiesław Nowak


THE SILESIAN SERIES IN THE BASIN OF THE RIVER WIELKA PUSZCZA (BESKID MAŁY, WESTERN CARPATHIANS)The area in the basin of the Wielka Puszcza river between the Soła river and the Terganiczanka. creek, is built by rocks of the Silesian series. Tectonically these rocks belong to the Silesian nappe which, in this area, is divided into the Godula and the Cieszyn nappes. The Silesian series of the Wielka Puszcza is part of the Godula unit. Here we find represented both the Lgota and the Godula beds, although the Lgota beds appear here but fregmentarily while the Gadula beds by far predominate. As to facies, these beds are developed similar to the Lanckorona region in the eastern part of the area in the western part, they correspond to the Silesian development.



