Przyczynek do znajomości wapienia muszlowego w Górach Swiętokrzyskich


  • Hanna Senkowiczowa


CONTRIBUTION TO THE COGNIZANCE OF THE MUSCHELKALK IN THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MIOUNTAINSThe author presents the stratigmphy of the Muschelkalk of the northern periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains, on the basis of bore-holes sunk in the region of Skarżysko within recent years. She hereby utilizes the stratigraphical division previously introduced for the southern periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. It appears that, on the entire area of these mountains both the three main members (lower, middle and upper) and their subdivision into horizons are developed in a very analogous manner. Upon the affixed table the stratigraphy and the lithological structure of the Muschelkalk on the northern slope of the Święty Krzyż Mountains has been presented by means of a comparison of the development of both the northern and the southern periphery of this massif.



