O facji graptolitowej karadoku Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Henryk Tomczyk


THE GRAPTOLITIC FACIES OF THE CARADOCIAN IN THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINSLeast investigated among the deposits of the older Palaeozoic in the Święty Krzyż Mountains is the Ordovician. There exist but few publications on the stratigraphy of these deposits, and they refer only to incomplete profiles of individual stages, beginning with the Tremadoc and ending with the Ashgillian. Our first cognizance of the Upper Ordovician sediments is of recent date owing to investigations carried out in the 1920th and 1930th years by J. Czarnocki (1928b; 1939) and by J. Samsonowicz (1932, 1934); worthy of note are also the conclusions reached, regarding the straigraphy of the Ashgillian by Z. Kielan (1956).




Short communication